Yangon city centre

Avento lights the avenues of this historic city, creating a vibrant, prosperous and safe city centre at night while saving energy that can be used for other services

Home to a fast-growing tech start-up scene, the city of Yangon has an increasing urban population.
The local authorities are keen to create a vibrant city centre where people feel at home at night while reducing pressure on the energy infrastructure.

With street lighting accounting for a considerable proportion of the city’s energy consumption, the local authorities decided to replace the city’s streetlights with high-efficiency LEDs in 2017.
The LED luminaires would also enable them to improve the lighting levels and reduce maintenance costs.

As the city has a tropical climate, it needed a robust LED luminaire that would guarantee a high-quality light in the long term.

As well as being the country’s commercial centre, Yangon is also the cultural centre, housing many historical monuments such as the 2,000 year-old Sule Pagoda and the golden 2,500 year-old Shwedagon Pagoda, Myanmar's most sacred Buddhist pagoda.
As many of the city’s main axes lead to the Sule Pagoda, it was also essential that the lighting on these roads create a welcoming ambiance for an engaging city centre at night.

The local authorities chose the Avento to light the main boulevards; Pyay Road, Kaba Aye Pagoda Road, Sule Road and Ahlone Road.

This modern LED luminaire directs the light exactly where it is needed with excellent uniformity.
They emit a bright white light ensuring excellent visibility and high visual comfort for a pleasant nocturnal ambiance.

It has enabled the local authorities to considerably reduce power consumption and save valuable energy which can be used for other services while improving the city’s nocturnal landscape.

Sule Pagoda Road