Thompson Rivers University Campus

SHUFFLE ensures an easy-to-navigate, safe and well-lit campus for pedestrians and cyclists

Thompson Rivers University is located in Kamloops, British Columbia in Western Canada. The campus is located in an impressive setting, with magnificent views of the North and South Thompson Rivers, from which the University gets its name. The campus provides a wonderful backdrop for the over 14,000 students who attend this University, pursuing graduate and post-graduate diplomas in various areas of study.

Strong focus on active mobility 

With its outstanding natural landscape, the campus prides itself on its extensive network of walking and cycling routes to promote a more active and sustainable mobility for students and on-campus residents. The campus is centrally located, with all commercial, residential and recreational facilities within walking distance. This pedestrian connectivity is an important asset as it draws many students to the University, attracted by the easy accessibility and quality of life. 

Safe and well-lit campus

The University places a strong focus on the student experience. It is vital that the public realm be well-lit after sunset, especially in the dark winter months, so students and staff can easily travel between the different buildings with a sense of safety and comfort.

In 2020, it decided to upgrade the lighting on certain pedestrian routes with a more sustainable lighting solution. An LED lighting solution was the obvious choice for its low energy consumption and carbon footprint. They also wanted a flexible solution that would enable them to adapt the lighting to future developments on the campus. 

They opted for the SHUFFLE thanks to its modularity and aesthetic design which compliments the modern architecture of the buildings. The ability to rotate the modules on-site was an added bonus for installation.

The right lighting in the right place

Thanks to its modularity, the University was able to choose two different heights of the pole to adapt the lighting to the exact needs of the different sites. 

A shorter SHUFFLE pole of 3.1m was chosen to light the paths between the residential accommodation to avoid any potential light pollution entering the rooms. 
A taller model of 6m was installed at the entrances to the main buildings. It is fitted with 360° and 180° modules to light the paths and create a strong distinctive presence. 

All of the modules are fitted with an opal glass protector to deliver a quality light with high visual comfort along the paths. In the future, the poles can be easily upgraded or integrate other technology like CCTV, loudspeakers and intercoms to meet the needs of this forward-thinking University.

These refined columns perfectly integrate the modern landscape, ensuring a more sustainable, safer, easy-to-navigate and well-lit campus.  

805 TRU Way


Thompson Rivers University
