Toyota Motor Europe
New lighting improves safety for employees and visitors with reduced energy costs
After an accident occurred due to the low lighting levels in the office car park, the management of Toyoto in Zaventem, Belgium were keen to quickly replace the luminaires to improve safety for employees and visitors to the company.
The cost-conscious company decided to opt for LED luminaires to reduce energy costs, for the longer life-span and the increased lighting levels - LEDs provide a bright white light for better visibility and enhance the feeling of security.
Impressed by the high-performance, the best savings to investment ratio and timeless design of the Friza, they opted for this LED luminaire.
A total of 27 luminaires were installed.
Fitted with 48 LEDs, the Friza luminaires consume 40W, 30W less than the previous fixtures equipped with 70W discharge lamps, providing energy savings of over 42%! The long life span of the LEDs and the cheaper running costs of the Friza lanterns have demonstrated to the company, the savings the new lighting can generate while delivering the shortest payback option on their investment.
More importantly, the new lighting has improved the safe passage of employees and visitors to the company headquarters.
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