Lille nocturnal corridor

Smart lighting creates a nocturnal corridor to ensure safety for people and preserve the night-time environment for local wildlife

Since 2001, the city of Lille has been actively implementing solutions to reduce its carbon footprint and protect the environment. The local authorities are progressively replacing all lighting fixtures in the city with more energy-efficient LED luminaires managed by control systems that adapt the light to exactly where it is needed and when. These actions have enabled the city to cut their energy consumption by 50% in 2020 compared to 2004, while improving the quality of light.

La Citadelle, a 110-hectare park incorporating the city’s zoo, is a popular public space for residents who regularly go for family strolls, runs or bike rides. It is also home to a wide range of flora and fauna with over a 100 different species of animals and they all need lighting that respects their natural rhythms.  

Committed to preserving this wildlife, the city adopted a “Biodiversity Plan” in 2011. In 2017, they launched the LUCIOLE (Lumière Citadine Optimisée pour L'Environnement) project to protect the park’s animals and plants, including the 9 remaining vulnerable species of bats that live there and along the Léon Jouhaux Bridge, at night. The new lighting had to preserve the bat’s roosting sites, commuting routes and foraging areas.

Urban lighting for a harmonious co-habitation

The city wanted to create a nocturnal corridor with a sustainable lighting solution that would keep the park’s animals and plants healthy and happy as well as help it achieve its environmental goals and ensure that citizens feel safe and satisfied. A solution that adapts the intensity of the light according to the different needs of the area and the colour temperature was vital. 

The project managers opted for the CITEA NG luminaires fitted with LEDs of different colour temperatures (amber, 2,200K and 2,700K) and motion detection sensors. The luminaires are programmed to switch automatically from amber light to white light when the sensors detect the arrival of people, in order to protect the fauna and flora while ensuring human safety and comfort. 

The colour temperature is programmed to adapt according to the seasonal behaviour of bats, who usually emerge from their roosts approximately 30 minutes after sunset to forage. 

From April to November, when sunset is later and bats are the most active, only the amber LED modules switch on and off to protect them. 

Then from November to March, when the bats are hibernating, the LED modules with amber and white LEDs (2,200K and 2,700K) switch on and off depending on the time of night and the presence of people, cyclists or vehicles. 

Locals who commute early in the morning and in the evening benefit from optimum visibility. During the night, when the lighting switches from white to amber, the local wildlife can sleep soundly. If a pedestrian or cyclist arrives, sensors detect their presence and the white LEDs temporarily switch on to guarantee a safe and comfortable passage.

Avenue Mathias Delobel


Lille Council


Installation contractors: ENGIE + CITEO
Ecologist for Lille Council: Yohan Tison

Smart lighting to build a sustainable future for all 

The entire lighting installation is controlled by Schréder EXEDRA which enables real-time, remote management of the luminaires. The city is able to adapt the lighting levels at any time and can analyse the data captured by the sensors to improve the lighting scenarios. 

The city of Lille is leading the way with its “Biodiversity Plan” which makes the city sustainable and enjoyable for all. We are delighted to accompany the city by delivering smart solutions that enable them to hit the right balance between protecting our environment and providing safe space for people to live.